
Mostrando entradas de noviembre, 2017

blog 10

well, my English experience in university it´s a little easier than the rest of my English experience ( I mean secondary and primary English classes), I think it is because I was forced to write, read and  try to make a presentation, I say try because I don't think that I can do a real presentation. And also y think the English is easier now than before is because I watch a lot of movie and series in English,  (especially this year). maybe this doesn't matter but these last months I can understand most of the series and movies dialogues, of course without the subtitle. I think that my listening English is better than ever, but my writing English is worst than awful, its so hard for me written (and speak too) in another time that is not the present, I think this could be better if a write more, but I a realistic person that is not going to happened, I don't write even in Spanish, write is not my superpower, for some people is so easy to write about everything, but for me

blog 9

I would change nothing of my study programme, in general, is really good the new programme that we have. I don't think the students have too much class-hour at the week, is well programmed the tests for all semesters, we have good teachers, and is a nice environment. well, I think so. But if a have to change something, I would probably add the first aid as a class in the programme not an elective, why? cause I think is necessary everyone knows about this subject, knows what to do about a burn, or how to do the Heimlich maneuver, or what things you have to say when you call to the emergency, or how to do CPR. Maybe is not related with the science formation, but is part of the integral formation. I know the first aid is something weird for us because we are not a health area students, but is important for all people in the whole world knows this, at least I think so. Another thing that I will add to the study programme is a sign language, well I will add this in primary and seconda